

No one I know follows me on here so here I am to rant. I live in a house  rented from my dad with my boyfriend and our two friends who are also a couple and one is my “best friend”. Her mother was addicted to pain pills so we moved her and her four cats in. We already have chinchillas and three cats in the house and all agreed that an extra hundred dollars of rent-paid by her or her mom-would be paid for the extra cats. We all signed paperwork stating the new rent price and that was that.

  Her mom is out now but her cats and stuff are still there so the money still needs to be paid. Well my friend is refusing to pay and making excuses to try and get out of it. This isn’t the  first time she’s thrown a fit to try and get her way (she got a dog after the extra cats were moved in) and I’m pretty sick of living with her. My dad is on the verge of kicking her out which means I need somewhere to stay in the spring because my boyfriend and I can’t afford the house on our own.  I don’t even know what to do about her anymore. 


Show and Tell

This happened a while ago but I thought I’d share anyway! At the summer camp I work at we have show and tell occasionally, usually whenever the kids bring stuff. On one such occasion a little boy said he had something cool to show everyone, and eagerly awaited the arrival of show and tell time. When the time arrived we sat the kids down and he went to grab his surprise. He come back with what looks to be a piece of skin in a plastic bag. Disgusted, we ask what it is and he tells us it’s the skin from his dad’s blister that popped.
Who, in their right mind, allows their child to bring their skin to show and tell? Sure son, let me just get a Baggie for that.



So I make hats! I’m trying to get a little business going and it’s been going pretty well. I made my friend a magikarp hat and he loved it! I sell hats on my Facebook page Happy Hats
I do special orders, but I do have some already made up for sale 🙂 if you have a cool hat pic I’d love to see it!




On June 28th, 2013, my cat Tigger passed away. I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it, because I was. He was 17 and his health was declining by the day. I just hope he didn’t suffer at all. I’m going to miss him a lot considering he’s been with me since I was a baby, but he’s in a better place now where he can be a kitten again. That’s what I tell myself anyway. When I was a kid a priest told me that animals don’t have souls so they don’t go to heaven. I hate that I was told that and refuse to believe it. I’ll see you again someday Tig, but for now have fun wherever you are.



Summer Camp

So I work at a summer camp and one of the kids has severe ADHD and is violent. Fantastic, right? Well there’s been a few instances of him hitting younger kids (he’s in 4th grade) and we wrote a formal letter to the parents stating that if it happened again he would be removed from camp. So the other day he gets hit in the head with a ball while playing dodgeball and pushes and scratches the 4 year old that did it. It draws blood so we call the parents and wrote up another letter telling them he can’t come back. Easy. Except it isn’t. The dad calls up and tries to accuse us of singling his kid out because he’s black. What has this world come to?
